Diane Savona

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Visiting the Past

Garage and estate sales are the modern equivalents of an archaeological digs: you hunt through an awful lot of junk to find anything interesting. Sometimes, you make an unforgettable find. This was inside an estate sale on Sargent St, in Clifton, NJ:  

This is the linoleum on the kitchen floor.

This is the coal bin in the basement. Yes, people shoveled coal into their furnace for heat.

 It looked like nothing in this house had ever been updated, remodeled, changed at all. The image of the kitchen dish cabinet made it's way into several of my pieces. I did make a piece focused on this particular house, but didn't capture the feeling at all:

Wouldn't you just LOVE to see what the new owners did with the place? Did they save any of the history? Did they just gut it?