Diane Savona

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a little more progress

(Below) 1. These ceramic fibula look like old ivory - at least in the hand. In photos, not so much. 2. What if I used images from buttons, or coins, with women’s faces? 3. Could I create ceramic versions, to color and wax to the same ivory-like appearance?

(Below) Well, yes, I could, but fitting them in with similarly colored crochet just didn’t work:

(Below) Then I remembered a piece that I had made long ago. In Quebec, a gallery had whalebone which had been carved by Inuit artists. The bone structure had a certain laciness, and when I got home, I stitched faces into a variety of doilies. It’s up in my storage someplace, but I’m not going to dig it out for new photos - sorry for the fuzziness.

(Below) My thought is to create new (better?) faces in doilies, which would be ivory colored and waxed. Ideally, this would make the dainty-looking threads appear stronger, as if they’d been carved, not stitched. Yeah, the original idea has definitely jumped the rails and is running down a whole new track……but I think it could work.

(Below) This old garage-sale quilt has been waiting patiently for years. With a deep dye of blue/green, it’s a perfect backing for the doilies.

(Below) Take a selfie, run it through Photoshop until it’s all lines. Harvest other photo-faces online, turn them into lines and print them on blue/green cloth. Then embroider…

Which is almost good. But - there’s a better way! More next week (I’m on a roll!).

Stay safe. Stay sane.
